Paul Joynson
21 Jan 2023
Proclamation at Supera Moras Conclave
Saturday 21st January saw the installation meeting of Supera Moras ‘The internet’ Conclave No.49. at Clayton -le- Moors Masonic Hall.
The Conclave was open by the immediate Past Supreme Ruler Worthy Brother Nigel K. Dunlop Prov.G.V. under the watchful eye of Very Worth Brother Stephen P. Holcroft P.G.V. Dep Prov.G.S.R who is the Conclaves Director of Ceremonies and Nigel proceeded to offer the gavel to Right Worthy Brother Christian A. Givvons, the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler. Christian thanked Nigel for the gavel however informed him that as the secretary he needed to be at his desk to record the minutes of the meeting and he also knew that Nigel had put a lot of hard work into preparing for the ceremony to proclaim Worthy Brother Wayne Barnes for a second term of office and promptly returned the gavel to Nigel.
Well Christian was not wrong as Nigel entered into the ceremony it was clear that he had put a lot of effort into preparing for the day as he delivered a first-class ceremony.
Following the proclamation, the officers of the year were invested before all the brethren retired for a joint Festive Board with the Ribble Valley ‘The Internet’ Consistory where they were treated to a splendid meal supplied by the new call caterers Sweetness & Lights Events.
It was a great masonic day with the Ordeerv of the Secret Monitor meeting in the Morning and then after lunch the Order of the Scarlet Cord.
The next meeting with be on Saturday 22nd April 2023 at Westhoughton Masonic Hall, All Secret Monitors & Scarlet Cord members are very welcome to attend and can contact the Provincial Grand Recorder for further details.