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Secret Monitor in the Province of East Lancashire is contained within the Craft boundaries and comprises fourteen conclaves generally meeting three times a year. With  Burnley in the north, to Salford in the south, from Shaw and Rochdale in the east to Bury in the west (plus several towns in between).  Our oldest conclave in East Lancashire is Cockcroft Conclave No.25 consecrated in 1895 and the newest to be warranted is Dr James Edward Glover Conclave No.409, consecrated in 1995.

In addition to conclaves meeting on a weekday evening, Supera Moras 'The Internet' Conclave No.49 meets Saturday lunchtime and draws its membership from Secret Monitors across the country and beyond meeting at various locations, and thereby is peripatetic. Another Saturday lunchtime conclave is Earl of Harwood Conclave No.71. However if it is a mid-week day time meeting you want, then we have Fraternity Conclave No.75 which is closely associated with a Craft Lodge of Past Masters. 


To assist you please take a look at 'Our Conclaves' page which hopefully help you make the choice of which one is right for you. If you are still struggling or have any further questions the contact our Provincial Grand Recorder who will be only too pleased to assist you.


There is one thing for sure and that is whichever conclave you chose to join you will be greeted with warmth and welcomed with that what characterises Secret Monitor Masonry.


For those brethren who enjoy ritual, there is a Demonstration Team of skilled and dedicated brethren which guides and assists conclaves in the Province.

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