Paul Joynson
3 Feb 2022
East Lancs Provincial Team travel to Tapton Hall
One Hundred Years in the making a year in the planning.
Today saw Bishops Blaze Conclave No.48 presented with their Centenary Warrant.
Way back in the beginning of this Conclave, a lot of its founder came from East Lancashire and in particular, Cockcroft Conclave No.25 along with other from North & East Yorkshire. Therefore as a token of respect when it came to the celebrations the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler of West Yorkshire R.Wy.Bro. David Staniforth thought it only right to invite his counter parts from those two supporting Provinces.
Which saw three Provincial Team Visits all processing into the same meeting. Firstly North & East Yorkshire along with East Lancashire proceeded in followed by the Provincial Team from West Yorkshire.
R.Wy.Bro. Staniforth was offered the gavel of the Conclave and on this occasion he retained it and conducted a very interesting and informative meeting and near the end of the celebrations he had great pleasure in presenting the Conclave with its Centenary warrant, which was read out to all by the Conclave secretary, V.Wy.Bro. John Marrison.
Following the meeting everyone was treated to a feast at the Festive Board.
The whole occasion Im sure only heightened the anticipation for the members for Supera Moras Conclave No.49 who are also Celebrating their Centenary year and looking forward to their own celebration meeting in the Autumn.
Keep an eye on the website for the date which will be published as soon as confirmed.