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Supera Moras Conclave No 49 Celebrates It’s Centenary in Fine Style


Allan Shields

29 Jul 2022

100 Years and still going Strong

It is not very often that a centenary takes place in The Order of the Secret Monitor so it’s a moment to cherish and celebrate when it does. That is exactly what took place at Rochdale Masonic Hall on Saturday July 30th when Supera Moras (The Internet Conclave) to give its full title, held a meeting to celebrate 100 years of continuous working.

The consecration took place at Bolton Masonic Hall on Saturday 5th of February 2021. Supera Moras is Latin for ‘overcoming delays or difficulty’ and the motto adopted by the Town of Bolton. In the early days the conclave thrived on the back of the desire for men to join freemasonry after the First World War, and the membership continued to ebb and flow but in May 200 it was decided that the conclave would pursue a different direction.

The conclave became ‘The Internet Conclave’ attracting members from around the country and latterly from around the world and meeting at different venues. This has proved successful venture and the conclave thrives today with a strong and growing membership. It has formed a bond with Ribble Valley Scarlet Cord Consistory with the two units meeting on the same day allowing brethren to enjoy a full day of masonry in both orders.

So it was no surprise that this meeting was well attended with a total of 85 brethren in attendance with the Most Worthy the Grand Supreme Ruler, Andrew Christopher Sweeny in attendance. He was joined by Christian Givvons the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler and Stephen Holcroft his Deputy, who are both members of the conclave.

Heads of many other provinces along with their deputies made up a full complement of distinguished visitors who were processed into the lodge room under the canopy of swords provided by the East Lancashire Arch of Steel.

With the conclave Supreme Ruler Wy.Bro. Wayne Barnes and his officers in place the conclave was opened. The Grand Director of Ceremonies Christopher M. Davies introduced the M.Wy. Grand Supreme Ruler to the conclave.

Wayne welcomed Andrew Sweeney and of course offered him the gavel which on this occasion was accepted. Salutations followed to which Andrew responded with thanks and proceeded to commence the celebratory meeting. He remarked that it is impressive to see a conclave remaining strong after 100 years and it was a very rare occasion indeed.

Andrew delivered a brief history of the conclave following which the conclave Chaplain V.Wy.Bro. John M. Beard gave a wonderful oration.

Andrew invited the members of Supera Moras present to form up in the East and were personally congratulated and presented with a Centenary Jewel. An empty chair was in place in the East with a Grand Sash, Jewel and a roll of honour for the founders who are no longer present with the message ‘lest we forget’.

Finally The Provincial Arch of Steel commanded by Wy.Bro. Shaun Higson were summoned to the East for inspection by Andrew and Chris Givvons . Before the M.Wy. retired, Chris Givvons presented a cheque from the Province of East Lancashire for £1000, in favour of the OSM benevolent fund to Andrew. He went on to thank Andrew for his support today and the terrific boost it had given to the order in East Lancashire.

With the Supreme Ruler Wayne Barnes restored to his rightful place he too had a presentation to make: £500 presented to the Arch of Steel from the conclave which was received with thanks by Chris Givvons. Wayne thanked everyone for attending and supporting his conclave for this very special meeting before closing and retiring.

The celebrations continued at a superb festive board where the brethren enjoyed a celebratory drink and a meal together. The M.Wy. Andrew Sweeney responded to a toast in his favour thanking every one for a warm welcome and a further reminder of what a special achievement today’s meeting had been celebrating, he went on to propose a toast to the conclave following which Chris Givvons presented him with a nice bottle of champagne.

Supreme Ruler Wayne Barnes responded to that toast with warm thanks and appreciation of the support of all the brethren.

Chris Givvons then presented the Grand D.C. Chris Davies with a stone decanter containing sarsaparilla as a memento and thanks for his work at the meeting and festive board.

The Grand Supreme Ruler retired to rapturous acclamation! Here’s to another 100 years Supera Moras!

More can be found about Supera Moras (The Internet) Conclave No. 49 on their website:

Words & Photos by Wy.Bro. Allan Shields. P.G.Stwd. Prov.G.Chan.

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