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Good Relations between Roses across the Yorkshire Lancashire Border.


Allan M,Shields

26 Oct 2021

West Yorkshire Grand Summus takes the Chair of Roses in Concord

There are Roses Secret Monitor conclaves on both sides of the hills between West Yorkshire and East Lancashire and a very strong masonic bond exists between the members of both provinces.
Evidence of this could be seen at the October installation meeting of Roses in Concord Conclave No. 185 when John Marrison, head of the Scarlet Cord province of West Yorkshire became the conclave Supreme Ruler.

Both John as well as another stalwart Yorkshire Secret Monitors, Alan Webster, are members of Roses in Concord, likewise many members of East Lancashire have reciprocated and joined over the border in West Yorkshire. The bond between the counties is very strong and well established in both Secret Monitor and hopefully in the Scarlet Cord moving forward.

The conclave members were joined by five visitors including Chris Givvons, the Deputy Head of the East Lancashire Secret Monitor and Allan Shields who is the head of The Scarlet Cord in East Lancashire along with his Assistant David Greenhalgh. They enjoyed a fabulous ceremony which saw John installed in fine style and with sincerity by Eric Bullock and his team of officers. Chris will of course be invested as the head of the Secret Monitor in East Lancashire in the coming days.

In true OSM style many of the visitors assisted Eric with the ceremony which was enjoyed by all present. The conclave is’ on the up’ as two joining members were successfully proposed later in the meeting
The harmony and friendship extended to the festive board buffet which on this occasion had been prepared by Gordon ‘Ramsey’ Fletcher the conclave recorder. He later admitted to simply unwrapping the food which had been in fact made up by Mrs Fletcher.

Director of Ceremonies, Dave Rigby conducted a raffle which raised £44 for charity and oversaw the toasting which prompted many friendly responses.

A good night was enjoyed by all the brethren and a perfect example of how the OSM has gained a reputation for being a very friendly order.

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