Paul Joynson
15 Feb 2022
W.Bro Steve Boyle is Inducted into the Order
Freeman Conclave No.57 continues to grow from strength to strength.
Many of you will Know W.Bro. Steve Boyle from his work he does in the East Lancs Craft, many of you will know him better as E.Comp Steve Boyle due to the high office he holds in the Holy Royal Arch, well he is now a member of the Order of the Secret Monitor following an excellent induction Ceremony conducted by Wy. Bro Mark W. Davis (aka W.Bro Mark W.Davis APGM).
Mark conducted an excellent ceremony of induction making it a night we are sure Steve will remember for years to come and we are sure he will not see better when he starts to visit other conclaves in the Province.
The meeting was supported by a whole host of prominent figures from the Order, including our Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler who delivered the Address and also presented the weapons in an excellent manner.
The evening was rounded off by a tremendous roast beef dinner where Steve thanked all the members of the Conclave and Province for making it a very special evening for him.