Allan M. Shields
29 Oct 2022
Where did the last year go?
East Lancashire Provincial Grand Conclave meeting was once again held on a rather wet October Saturday at Rochdale masonic Hall. With seventy five OSM brethren and distinguished guests from other Provinces attended for what was Christian Givvons first full meeting as the head of our order in East Lancashire.
One year on from his investiture Chris pondered on how quick the year had passed in his opening of Provincial Grand Conclave.
Following his spectacular entrance under the canopy of swords provided by his Arch of Steel, he soon settled in to welcoming his guests with a brief history of the venue and the town in which it is set.
Appropriate salutations were given and received following which Chris introduced and welcomed all the visiting dignitaries and members in attendance.
Our province has a Travelling Arrow which has made its way around the conclaves coming to rest with James Edward Glover Conclave No.409 and was returned to Chris by Ken Laidlaw.
All the conclaves being amply represented and all officers in place Chris proceeded to dispatch the necessary business of Provincial Grand Conclave. Then it was time to appoint and invest Stephen Holcroft as his Deputy along with the brand new team of acting officers for the next year.
He then presented his address to the Brethren and thanked all those who had assisted him during the year as well as a big thank you to Paul Joynson, Provincial Recorder, who had worked tirelessly on the preparations for the meeting.
Our Province is looking to support charities in keeping with masonic tradition and this year gift aid envelopes were used for the first time in OSM East Lancashire to receive the brethren’s donations. Under this relief chest system the tax may be in many cases claimed back greatly enhancing the donation the province will ultimately be able to present to good causes.
Once Paul Joynson had confirmed all the business had been transacted it was time for Chris to close his meeting and process out with a selection of his officers with a hearty round of applause from the brethren.
Time for lunch served in the superb dining room at Rochdale Masonic Hall, the brethren enjoyed fine food and refreshment and conversation at the festive board.
Chris looks forward to a bright and busy year ahead and catching up with everyone in another year’s time.