Paul Joynson
23 Nov 2019
Supera Moras Bags a Chef
The November meeting of Supera Moras was held at held by dispensation at the lovely Tapton Hall, Sheffield. The Conclave also known as ‘The Internet Conclave’ and draws its members from all across the world and this meeting saw a large number of visitors from across the Country.
This meeting saw Bro Mark Rainsford of The Marquis of Lorne Lodge in the Province of West Lancashire be inducted into the order having been proposed for the Order by his friend WyBro Aiden Murphy who is also a member of his craft lodge and seconded by no other than our Deputy Provincial Supreme Ruler, Christian Givvons.
Then followed an excellent ceremony of induction by the Supreme Ruler Stephen J. Williams PProvGReg under the direction of the watchful eye of VWyBro Stephen P. Holcroft as Director of Ceremonies. Mark was then presented the weapons of the Order in a superbly theatrical manner by WyBro Bulntin PGStB .
The brethren then retired to the dining room for a masonic feast, something the candidate Mark is no stranger too as he owns the catering company that provide the meals at the Halls of his craft lodge.
If you would like to visit Supera Moras why not come along to the next meeting which will see the installation of Aiden Murphy as the Supreme Ruler and you won’t need to travel that far at it’s at Rawtenstall Masonic Hall on Saturday 15th February 2020.