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Paul Joynson

4 Oct 2019

A Demonstration Ceremony See's The PGSR Get Inducted

It was a cold and frosty morning in November but it didn’t stop the members of the Earl of Harwood and a large number of visitors turning out to witness a spectacle of a ceremony.

Once the conclave had been opened by the Supreme Ruler, WyBro Kearns he ask that WyBro Bernard ‘Eric’ Bullock take the chair for the next item of business which was to work a demonstration of an induction ceremony, however no one had been selected to act as the candidate. Then no other than RtWyBro Frank George Hood Smith, the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler for the Province of East Lancashire, stepped forward and volunteered to take the role.

Noel Toasts ‘The Candidate’
Having removed his ProvGSR sash and retiring from the conclave, he was admitted on the point of an arrow and the officers of the conclave work what can only be described as a wonderful ceremony.

A raised smile passed around the conclave as the induction ceremony came to the end and the ‘candidate’ was presented with the book of constitutions and the bye laws of the conclave and the ritual went “……….you will obtain information which you will appreciate more highly as you advance in rank”

The candidate didn’t have to wait too long for that advancement as he was promptly decorated with his ProvGSR sash and he took his rightful place in the east.

The brethren then retired downstairs to be treated to a social board of soup and sandwiches and helped raise £50 for charity by way of a raffle.

If you would like to visit Earl of Harwood, their next meeting is Saturday 9th May 2020. However East Lancs boast another Saturday Conclave, Supera Moras No49 and their next meeting is Saturday 23rd November 2019.

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