Paul A. Joynson
28 May 2024
or worked for an organisation that does.
If so, I am currently in the planning stages of a repone of Cockcroft No.25 warrant and then once open, change the name of the of the Conclave to “The Blues & Two’s” Conclave No.25.
Then in the afternoon to hold a Consecration meeting for a new Scarlet Cord Consistory, which will be called The Mersey Valley ‘Blues & Two’s’ Consistory.
Following this special day both units will be peripatetic and travel around various Masonic Halls to assist fairness amongst its membership.
The list of organisations using “Blue lights” is quite extensive and include Police, Ambulance, Fire & Rescue, Blood Bikes, Organ transplant service, HMP correctional facilities, NCA and Special Forces, Royal Ordnance Corps., Mountain rescue, Cave rescue and Mines rescue to name but a few.
If you have or are working for an organisation the uses ‘Blues & Two’s’ in line with its business and want to be a member of one or both of these new speciality units then please get in touch with me as I hope to hold a Microsoft Teams meeting over the summer to help plan the repone/consecration.
You can contact me at the following address eastlansprovrecorder@gmail.com
Looking forward to hearing from you soon,
Wy.Bro. Paul A. Joynson