Paul Joynson
3 Oct 2021
Ray Christian Takes the Chair
The installing Supreme Ruler, Alan Quine did a fantastic job of installing Ray as the new Supreme Ruler for the ensuing year, in what can only be described as a first class ceremony.
Following the installation, the Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Christian Givvons carried out a delightful commissioning ceremony and invested Ray with the robe of a Supreme Ruler.
Stephen Holcroft also assisted in the ceremony by carrying out one of the addresses followed by a splendid rendition of the weapons of the Order.
Following the ceremony all the brethren retired to the dining room where they where treated to a first class meal provided by the new caterers at Helmsey House.
During the response to the toast to his health the newly installed Supreme Rule commented on how different the ceremony was and how he had enjoyed himself, he also said he could not wait to get out around the other Conclaves visiting.